Visible and Valued: Addressing Erasure in Health Care

In medicine and healthcare, LGBTQ+ voices are too often marginalized, overlooked or excluded entirely. This lack of representation impacts quality of care, reinforces health inequities, and leaves critical gaps in education and practice. For the 2025 LGBTQ+ Health Care Conference, we’re wokring to confront these issue, creating a platform for dialogue, learning, and actionable change. 

By connecting voices from medicine, social work, education, and advocacy, the conference fosters interdisciplinary collaboration to address erasure at every level—education, clinical practice, policy, and community health.

 LGBTQ+ Health Care Conference Logo

Join us for the Conference Kickoff Event | Wednesday, April 10

This year, our in-person kickoff event will be hosted at the Indiana Historical Society. The LGBTQ+ Health Care Conference Kickoff event will serve as a networking opportunity for our local community. The event will feature a panel discussion, refreshments, local vendors, and a space for community partners to share their passion, mission, and resources with the attendees. Even if you are not attending the conference we would love to see you at the kickoff event!

IU School of Medicine Center for Inclusive Excellence